New Student Checklist

Welcome to the Raven family! 在你准备进入本尼迪克特学院校园的时候, 请回顾一下您的清单和步骤,以便顺利过渡.

First-Year Student


  • Submit All Official Documents: final high school transcript(s) with month and year of graduation; final college transcripts; dual-credit, IB transcripts, and score reports from AP, ACT, SAT or CLT
  • Complete the Disability Form if you have a physical, psychological, 注意或学习障碍,你希望在大学期间要求住宿. Documentation required.
  • 通过入学门户完成新生课程计划表.
    • Spring term: 当新生课程计划表格可以完成时,您将通过电子邮件收到通知. 当注册开放时,指定的指导老师将与您联系并为您注册课程.
    • Fall term: 当新生课程规划表开放优先注册时,您将通过电子邮件收到通知. 在5月15日之前完成表格,由我们的咨询团队注册. If you are unable to meet the May 15 deadline, 尽快提交新生课程计划表.
  • Need to change a class? New spring students may contact their advisor. New fall students are required to submit an online change request form 或在中华民国周期间与导师会面.

*所有文件和健康表格必须在本尼迪克特学院收到,否则你将被暂停学业, i.e.,你将被禁止参加以后的课程.

Financial Aid

  • 尽快将校外奖学金的证明寄给财政援助办公室. 这些资金在收到资金后直接太阳城官网到您的学生账单账户.
  • 签署并提交你的经济援助录取通知书 via your RavenZone account.
  • Complete your Financial Aid checklist via RavenZone.
  • If you intend to utilize federal student loans, 完成入学贷款咨询和主本票 for Federal Direct Loans. 如果是在春季入学,请尽快完成. 如果是秋季入学,请在6月1日之后完成此步骤.
  • Apply for an Alternative/Private Loan if parents will not be utilizing the PLUS Loan.

Business Office

  • 完成电子授权协议 when initially accessing TouchNet through your RavenZone account. TouchNet是一家安全的在线学生学费账单、支付和电子退款提供商.
  • 一旦你注册了课程,检查你的账单 and account through RavenZone.
  • Settle your balance or set up a semester Installment Payment Plan by the tuition due date: January 1 for the spring semester; August 1 for the fall semester.
  • Set up Authorized Users. An authorized user can be a parent, grandparent, 或者任何你允许查看你账户活动的人,以及帮助你了解你在本尼迪克特学院财务状况的人.
  • 你在期待学生贷款的退款吗? 通过您的电子学生退款(eRefund)注册 RavenZone account,并将贷方余额直接存入您的银行账户. 如果您愿意,纸质支票退款将邮寄到您的学生帐户上的家庭地址.
  • Purchase Raven Bucks through RavenZone.


  • Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: 您将收到一封来自本尼迪克特运动训练的电子邮件,其中包含指导和在线填写健康表格的链接. 入住当天携带一份免疫接种记录副本, 电邮至学生健康服务主任Laura O 'Grady ( or mail it to:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history. 强烈建议提供保险证明(保险卡正面和背面的复印件),但不是必需的. Submit via email (或邮寄填妥的文件予学生健康服务署长:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • View required textbooks 通过RavenZone或虚拟书店,一旦你注册了课程. You may opt to purchase your books within the Virtual Bookstore or through another vendor; be sure to use the required book’s ISBN and edition when searching with alternate vendors. 一些必需的书籍可能无法通过其他供应商购买. 教科书不能在Raven商店购买.
  • Order a parking pass online after August 1.
  • Sign up for Raven Alerts.

Communication Note

您的学生电子邮件帐户是本尼迪克特和您之间沟通的主要方法-请阅读所有信息以了解情况, 即使在这几个月里也没有上课. Benedictine email accounts are activated December 1 for new spring semester students; and June 1 for new fall semester students.

Transfer Student


  • Submit All Official Documents: final college transcripts; AP scores; and when applicable, test scores, and final high school transcripts.
  • Complete the Disability Form if you have a physical, psychological, 注意或学习障碍,你希望在大学期间要求住宿. Documentation required.
  • Need to change a class? Transfers may contact their assigned advisor.

*所有文件和健康表格必须在本尼迪克特学院收到,否则你将被暂停学业, i.e.,你将被禁止参加以后的课程.

Financial Aid

  • 尽快将校外奖学金的证明寄给财政援助办公室. 这些资金在收到资金后直接太阳城官网到您的学生账单账户.
  • 签署并提交你的经济援助录取通知书 via your RavenZone account.
  • Complete your Financial Aid checklist via RavenZone.
  • If you intend to utilize federal student loans, 完成入学贷款咨询和主本票 for Federal Direct Loans. 如果在春季申请,请尽快完成. 如果是秋季入学,请在6月1日之后完成此步骤.
  • Apply for an Alternative/Private Loan if parents will not be utilizing the PLUS Loan.

Business Office

  • 完成电子授权协议 when initially accessing TouchNet through your RavenZone account. TouchNet是一家安全的在线学生学费账单、支付和电子退款提供商.
  • 一旦你注册了课程,检查你的账单 and account activity through RavenZone.
  • Settle your balance or set up a semester Installment Payment Plan 春季学期1月1日,秋季学期8月1日.
  • Set up Authorized Users. An authorized user can be a parent, grandparent, 或者任何你允许查看你账户活动的人,以及帮助你了解你在本尼迪克特学院财务状况的人.
  • 你在期待学生贷款的退款吗? 通过您的电子学生退款(eRefund)注册 RavenZone account,并将贷方余额直接存入您的银行账户. 如果您愿意,纸质支票退款将邮寄到您的学生帐户上的家庭地址.
  • Purchase Raven Bucks through RavenZone.


  • Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: 您将收到一封来自本尼迪克特运动训练的电子邮件,其中包含指导和在线填写健康表格的链接. 入住当天携带一份免疫接种记录副本, 电邮至学生健康服务主任Laura O 'Grady ( or mail it to:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history. 强烈建议提供保险证明(保险卡正面和背面的复印件),但不是必需的. Submit via email (或邮寄填妥的文件予学生健康服务署长:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • View required textbooks 通过RavenZone或虚拟书店,一旦你注册了课程. You may opt to purchase your books within the Virtual Bookstore or through another vendor; be sure to use the required book’s ISBN and edition when searching with alternate vendors. 一些必需的书籍可能无法通过其他供应商购买. 教科书不能在Raven商店购买.
  • Order a parking pass online after August 1.
  • Sign up for Raven Alerts.

Communication Note

您的学生电子邮件帐户是本尼迪克特和您之间沟通的主要方法-请阅读所有信息以了解情况, 即使在这几个月里也没有上课. Benedictine email accounts are activated December 1 for new spring semester students; and June 1 for new fall semester students.

International Student


  • Apply for F-1 student visa
  • Pay SEVIS fee and retain receipt for visa interview
  • 提交所有大学,双学分,IB成绩单和AP成绩到招生办公室
    • 国际学生转学,提交所有国外大学课程的学分评估. Please contact us with any questions.

Financial Aid

Business Office

  • 通过您的RavenZone帐户首次访问Touchnet*时,请完成电子授权协议
    *Benedictine College partners with Touchnet, 领先的学生计费安全在线软件提供商
  • 在8月1日(秋季学期)或1月1日(春季学期)之前支付账单,选择以下其中一种:
    • Students can login to RavenZone and pay using a debit/credit card.
    • Students can use Flywire. 学生需要在Flywire上创建一个帐户. 在提交付款之前,学生需要使用他们的 RavenZone account to check the amount owed to the college. Go to the Flywire website, 按照说明选择付款方式和您将使用的货币来支付账单.
  • Purchase Raven Bucks for fall semester


  • Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: 您将收到一封来自本尼迪克特运动训练的电子邮件,其中包含指导和在线填写健康表格的链接. 入住当天携带一份免疫接种记录副本, 电邮至学生健康服务主任Laura O 'Grady ( or mail it to:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history. 强烈建议提供保险证明(保险卡正面和背面的复印件),但不是必需的. Submit via email (或邮寄填妥的文件予学生健康服务署长:

Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
1301 N. 3rd Street
Atchison, KS 66002

  • View required textbooks 通过RavenZone或虚拟书店,一旦你注册了课程. You may opt to purchase your books within the Virtual Bookstore or through another vendor; be sure to use the required book’s ISBN and edition when searching with alternate vendors. 一些必需的书籍可能无法通过其他供应商购买. 教科书不能在Raven商店购买.

Parent of Student

Additional Information and Links

Contact Information

  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Office of Admission
  • Business Office
  • Student Life Office
  • Student Success Center
  • Student Health Office

Admission Counselors

Claire Hollis
Associate Director of Admission

Joseph Kuckleman
Assistant Director of Admission

Mary Margaret Mulvaney
Assistant Director of Admission

Grace Sammoury
Assistant Director of Admission

Emily Carstens
Admission Counselor

Jonathan Meinholz
Admission Counselor